class AwsIamTool(BaseAwsTool):
_client: IAMClient = field(default=None, kw_only=True, alias="client", metadata={"serializable": False})
def client(self) -> IAMClient:
return self.session.client("iam")
"description": "Can be use to get a policy for an AWS IAM user.",
"schema": Schema(
Literal("user_name", description="Username of the AWS IAM user."): str,
description="PolicyName of the AWS IAM Policy embedded in the specified IAM user.",
): str,
def get_user_policy(self, params: dict) -> TextArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
policy = self.client.get_user_policy(
return TextArtifact(policy["PolicyDocument"])
except Exception as e:
return ErrorArtifact(f"error returning policy document: {e}")
@activity(config={"description": "Can be used to list AWS MFA Devices"})
def list_mfa_devices(self, _: dict) -> ListArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
devices = self.client.list_mfa_devices()
return ListArtifact([TextArtifact(str(d)) for d in devices["MFADevices"]])
except Exception as e:
return ErrorArtifact(f"error listing mfa devices: {e}")
"description": "Can be used to list policies for a given IAM user.",
"schema": Schema(
{Literal("user_name", description="Username of the AWS IAM user for which to list policies."): str},
def list_user_policies(self, params: dict) -> ListArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
policies = self.client.list_user_policies(UserName=params["values"]["user_name"])
policy_names = policies["PolicyNames"]
attached_policies = self.client.list_attached_user_policies(UserName=params["values"]["user_name"])
attached_policy_names = [
p["PolicyName"] for p in attached_policies["AttachedPolicies"] if "PolicyName" in p
return ListArtifact([TextArtifact(str(p)) for p in policy_names + attached_policy_names])
except Exception as e:
return ErrorArtifact(f"error listing iam user policies: {e}")
@activity(config={"description": "Can be used to list AWS IAM users."})
def list_users(self, _: dict) -> ListArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
users = self.client.list_users()
return ListArtifact([TextArtifact(str(u)) for u in users["Users"]])
except Exception as e:
return ErrorArtifact(f"error listing s3 users: {e}")