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Running a Tool

Tools are run by sending HTTP POST requests to the Tool's activity endpoints. Activities are defined by decorating your tool's methods with the @activity decorator. The activity name is the name of the method.

For example, if you deployed Griptape's provided CalculatorTool, the endpoint for the calculate activity would be{tool_id}/activities/calculate. The request body would be a JSON object with the key expression and the value as the expression to calculate.

  "expression": "10**5"

Once your Tool is created and deployed, you can run your Tool one of three ways outlined below.

From the Cloud Console

Go to the Test tab of your Tool to open the generated OpenAPI spec. From there, the Swagger UI can be used to create test requests.

From the API

The API route for Tool activities is in the form of{tool_id}/activities/{activity_name}, where tool_id is the resource UUID of your created Tool, and activity_name is the name of the activity as defined in your BaseTool class. The activity routes will only accept an http POST method.

To fetch the OpenAPI schema, the route is{tool_id}/openapi.

export GT_CLOUD_API_KEY="<your API key here>"
export GT_CLOUD_TOOL_ID="<your tool ID here>"
export TOOL_ACTIVITY_URL="${GT_CLOUD_TOOL_ID}/activities/my_activity"

response=$(curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GT_CLOUD_API_KEY}" --json '{"my_key": "my_value"}' ${TOOL_ACTIVITY_URL})
echo "my_activity response: ${response}"

Using the Griptape Framework

The Griptape framework provides a GriptapeCloudToolTool for interacting with your deployed Tools. Simply pass your Tool resource UUID as the tool_id kwarg, and the schema and activity methods will be dynamically set on the Tool.