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Tool Config YAML


Tool repositories require a configuration file which informs Griptape Cloud of your Tool's dependencies and how it needs to build and run.

Tool Config File Schema

All relative paths are based off of the directory in which the tool_config.yaml file is located.

The schema for the configuration file is as follows:

version: 1.0
runtime: python3
runtime_version: 3.12
  pre_build_install_script: scripts/
  post_build_install_script: scripts/
  requirements_file: requirements.txt
    enabled: false
      - requirements.txt
      - scripts/
      - scripts/
  init_tool_function: init_tool

Configuration Fields


The Tool Config schema version number.


The runtime environment to use for the Tool.


The specific version of the runtime environment for the Tool.

build (OPTIONAL)

The build-time configuration for the Tool.

  • pre_build_install_script - The path to your pre_build_install_script, for running during the Tool build prior to dependency installation. This path is relative to the structure configuration file. Or absolute from the repository root if a forward slash is used: /
  • post_build_install_script - The path to your post_build_install_script, for running during the Tool build after dependency installation. This path is relative to the structure configuration file. Or absolute from the repository root if a forward slash is used: /
  • requirements_file - The path to your Tool's requirements.txt file.
  • cache_build_dependencies - Defines the configuration for caching build dependencies in order to speed up Deployments
    • enabled - Defines whether the build dependency caching is on or off
    • watched_files - Defines the particular files that will trigger cache invalidation, resulting in a full rebuild of the Tool and dependencies


The run-time configuration for the Tool.

  • tool_file: The file that contains the Griptape BaseTool-derived class. The default value is
  • init_tool_file: The file that contains your init_tool function. The default value is
  • init_tool_function: The function that will be called. The function takes no arguments and returns an instance of your Tool.