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A = TypeVar('A', bound=BaseArtifact) module-attribute


Bases: BaseLoader[Union[str, PathLike], bytes, A], ABC

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class BaseFileLoader(BaseLoader[Union[str, PathLike], bytes, A], ABC):
    file_manager_driver: BaseFileManagerDriver = field(
        default=Factory(lambda: LocalFileManagerDriver()),
    encoding: str = field(default="utf-8", kw_only=True)

    def fetch(self, source: str | PathLike) -> bytes:
        # TODO: This is silly. `load_file` decodes the bytes and then we immediately re-encode them.
        data = self.file_manager_driver.load_file(str(source)).value
        if isinstance(data, str):
            return data.encode(self.encoding)
            return data

    def save(self, destination: str | PathLike, artifact: A) -> None:
        """Saves the Artifact to a destination."""
        artifact.encoding = self.encoding
        self.file_manager_driver.save_file(str(destination), artifact.to_bytes())

encoding: str = field(default='utf-8', kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

file_manager_driver: BaseFileManagerDriver = field(default=Factory(lambda: LocalFileManagerDriver()), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def fetch(self, source: str | PathLike) -> bytes:
    # TODO: This is silly. `load_file` decodes the bytes and then we immediately re-encode them.
    data = self.file_manager_driver.load_file(str(source)).value
    if isinstance(data, str):
        return data.encode(self.encoding)
        return data

save(destination, artifact)

Saves the Artifact to a destination.

Source code in griptape/loaders/
def save(self, destination: str | PathLike, artifact: A) -> None:
    """Saves the Artifact to a destination."""
    artifact.encoding = self.encoding
    self.file_manager_driver.save_file(str(destination), artifact.to_bytes())