class BaseChunker(ABC):
DEFAULT_SEPARATORS = [ChunkSeparator(" ")]
separators: list[ChunkSeparator] = field(
default=Factory(lambda self: self.DEFAULT_SEPARATORS, takes_self=True),
tokenizer: BaseTokenizer = field(
default=Factory(lambda: OpenAiTokenizer(model=OpenAiTokenizer.DEFAULT_OPENAI_GPT_3_CHAT_MODEL)),
max_tokens: int = field(
default=Factory(lambda self: self.tokenizer.max_input_tokens, takes_self=True),
@max_tokens.validator # pyright: ignore[reportAttributeAccessIssue]
def validate_max_tokens(self, _: Attribute, max_tokens: int) -> None:
if max_tokens < 0:
raise ValueError("max_tokens must be 0 or greater.")
def chunk(self, text: TextArtifact | ListArtifact | str) -> list[TextArtifact]:
text_to_chunk = text if isinstance(text, str) else text.to_text()
reference = None if isinstance(text, str) else text.reference
return [TextArtifact(c, reference=reference) for c in self._chunk_recursively(text_to_chunk)]
def _chunk_recursively(self, chunk: str, current_separator: Optional[ChunkSeparator] = None) -> list[str]:
token_count = self.tokenizer.count_tokens(chunk)
half_token_count = token_count // 2
if token_count <= self.max_tokens:
return [chunk]
# If a separator is provided, only use separators after it.
separators = (
self.separators[self.separators.index(current_separator) :] if current_separator else self.separators
# Loop through available separators to find the best split.
for separator in separators:
# Split the chunk into subchunks using the current separator.
subchunks = chunk.strip().split(separator.value)
# We should not operate on the filtered, non-empty subchunks because the joins will be incorrect.
# However, we only want to process chunks that have multiple non-empty subchunks.
# Therefore, we use the non-empty subchunks to decide if we should proceed, but we operate on the original subchunks.
non_empty_subchunks = list(filter(None, subchunks))
if len(non_empty_subchunks) > 1:
# Find what combination of subchunks results in the most balanced split of the chunk.
midpoint_index = self.__find_midpoint_index(subchunks, half_token_count)
# Create the two subchunks based on the best separator.
first_subchunk, second_subchunk = self.__get_subchunks(separator, subchunks, midpoint_index)
# Continue recursively chunking the subchunks.
first_subchunk_rec = self._chunk_recursively(first_subchunk.strip(), separator)
second_subchunk_rec = self._chunk_recursively(second_subchunk.strip(), separator)
# Return the concatenated results of the subchunks if both are non-empty.
if first_subchunk_rec and second_subchunk_rec:
return first_subchunk_rec + second_subchunk_rec
# If only one subchunk is non-empty, return it.
elif first_subchunk_rec:
return first_subchunk_rec
elif second_subchunk_rec:
return second_subchunk_rec
return []
# If none of the separators result in a balanced split, split the chunk in half.
midpoint = len(chunk) // 2
return self._chunk_recursively(chunk[:midpoint]) + self._chunk_recursively(chunk[midpoint:])
def __get_subchunks(self, separator: ChunkSeparator, subchunks: list[str], balance_index: int) -> tuple[str, str]:
# Create the two subchunks based on the best separator
if separator.is_prefix:
first_subchunk = separator.value.join(subchunks[: balance_index + 1])
# We need to manually prepend the separator since join doesn't add it to the first element.
second_subchunk = separator.value + separator.value.join(subchunks[balance_index + 1 :])
# We need to manually append the separator since join doesn't add it to the last element.
first_subchunk = separator.value.join(subchunks[: balance_index + 1]) + separator.value
second_subchunk = separator.value.join(subchunks[balance_index + 1 :])
return first_subchunk, second_subchunk
def __find_midpoint_index(self, subchunks: list[str], half_token_count: int) -> int:
midpoint_index = -1
best_midpoint_distance = float("inf")
for index, _ in enumerate(subchunks):
subchunk_tokens_count = self.tokenizer.count_tokens("".join(subchunks[: index + 1]))
midpoint_distance = abs(subchunk_tokens_count - half_token_count)
if midpoint_distance < best_midpoint_distance:
midpoint_index = index
best_midpoint_distance = midpoint_distance
return midpoint_index