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__all__ = ['BaseLoader', 'BaseFileLoader', 'TextLoader', 'PdfLoader', 'WebLoader', 'SqlLoader', 'CsvLoader', 'EmailLoader', 'ImageLoader', 'AudioLoader', 'BlobLoader'] module-attribute


Bases: BaseFileLoader[AudioArtifact]

Loads audio content into audio artifacts.

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class AudioLoader(BaseFileLoader[AudioArtifact]):
    """Loads audio content into audio artifacts."""

    def parse(self, data: bytes) -> AudioArtifact:
        return AudioArtifact(data, format=filetype.guess(data).extension)


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def parse(self, data: bytes) -> AudioArtifact:
    return AudioArtifact(data, format=filetype.guess(data).extension)


Bases: BaseLoader[Union[str, PathLike], bytes, A], ABC

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class BaseFileLoader(BaseLoader[Union[str, PathLike], bytes, A], ABC):
    file_manager_driver: BaseFileManagerDriver = field(
        default=Factory(lambda: LocalFileManagerDriver(workdir=None)),
    encoding: str = field(default="utf-8", kw_only=True)

    def fetch(self, source: str | PathLike | bytes) -> bytes:
        if isinstance(source, bytes):
                "Using bytes as the source is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. "
                "Please use a string or PathLike object instead."
            return source

        data = self.file_manager_driver.load_file(str(source)).value
        if isinstance(data, str):
            return data.encode(self.encoding)
            return data

encoding: str = field(default='utf-8', kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

file_manager_driver: BaseFileManagerDriver = field(default=Factory(lambda: LocalFileManagerDriver(workdir=None)), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def fetch(self, source: str | PathLike | bytes) -> bytes:
    if isinstance(source, bytes):
            "Using bytes as the source is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. "
            "Please use a string or PathLike object instead."
        return source

    data = self.file_manager_driver.load_file(str(source)).value
    if isinstance(data, str):
        return data.encode(self.encoding)
        return data


Bases: FuturesExecutorMixin, ABC, Generic[S, F, A]

Fetches data from a source, parses it, and returns an Artifact.


Name Type Description
reference Optional[Reference]

The optional Reference to set on the Artifact.

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class BaseLoader(FuturesExecutorMixin, ABC, Generic[S, F, A]):
    """Fetches data from a source, parses it, and returns an Artifact.

        reference: The optional `Reference` to set on the Artifact.

    reference: Optional[Reference] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)

    def load(self, source: S) -> A:
        data = self.fetch(source)

        artifact = self.parse(data)

        artifact.reference = self.reference

        return artifact

    def fetch(self, source: S) -> F:
        """Fetches data from the source."""


    def parse(self, data: F) -> A:
        """Parses the fetched data and returns an Artifact."""


    def load_collection(
        sources: list[Any],
    ) -> Mapping[str, A]:
        """Loads a collection of sources and returns a dictionary of Artifacts."""
        # Create a dictionary before actually submitting the jobs to the executor
        # to avoid duplicate work.
        sources_by_key = {self.to_key(source): source for source in sources}

        return execute_futures_dict(
            {key: self.futures_executor.submit(self.load, source) for key, source in sources_by_key.items()},

    def to_key(self, source: S) -> str:
        """Converts the source to a key for the collection."""
        if isinstance(source, bytes):
            return bytes_to_hash(source)
            return str_to_hash(str(source))

reference: Optional[Reference] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

fetch(source) abstractmethod

Fetches data from the source.

Source code in griptape/loaders/
def fetch(self, source: S) -> F:
    """Fetches data from the source."""


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def load(self, source: S) -> A:
    data = self.fetch(source)

    artifact = self.parse(data)

    artifact.reference = self.reference

    return artifact


Loads a collection of sources and returns a dictionary of Artifacts.

Source code in griptape/loaders/
def load_collection(
    sources: list[Any],
) -> Mapping[str, A]:
    """Loads a collection of sources and returns a dictionary of Artifacts."""
    # Create a dictionary before actually submitting the jobs to the executor
    # to avoid duplicate work.
    sources_by_key = {self.to_key(source): source for source in sources}

    return execute_futures_dict(
        {key: self.futures_executor.submit(self.load, source) for key, source in sources_by_key.items()},

parse(data) abstractmethod

Parses the fetched data and returns an Artifact.

Source code in griptape/loaders/
def parse(self, data: F) -> A:
    """Parses the fetched data and returns an Artifact."""


Converts the source to a key for the collection.

Source code in griptape/loaders/
def to_key(self, source: S) -> str:
    """Converts the source to a key for the collection."""
    if isinstance(source, bytes):
        return bytes_to_hash(source)
        return str_to_hash(str(source))


Bases: BaseFileLoader[BlobArtifact]

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class BlobLoader(BaseFileLoader[BlobArtifact]):
    def parse(self, data: bytes) -> BlobArtifact:
        if self.encoding is None:
            return BlobArtifact(data)
            return BlobArtifact(data, encoding=self.encoding)


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def parse(self, data: bytes) -> BlobArtifact:
    if self.encoding is None:
        return BlobArtifact(data)
        return BlobArtifact(data, encoding=self.encoding)


Bases: BaseFileLoader[ListArtifact[TextArtifact]]

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class CsvLoader(BaseFileLoader[ListArtifact[TextArtifact]]):
    delimiter: str = field(default=",", kw_only=True)
    encoding: str = field(default="utf-8", kw_only=True)
    formatter_fn: Callable[[dict], str] = field(
        default=lambda value: "\n".join(f"{key}: {val}" for key, val in value.items()), kw_only=True

    def parse(self, data: bytes) -> ListArtifact[TextArtifact]:
        reader = csv.DictReader(StringIO(data.decode(self.encoding)), delimiter=self.delimiter)

        return ListArtifact(
            [TextArtifact(self.formatter_fn(row), meta={"row_num": row_num}) for row_num, row in enumerate(reader)]

delimiter: str = field(default=',', kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

encoding: str = field(default='utf-8', kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

formatter_fn: Callable[[dict], str] = field(default=lambda value: '\n'.join(f'{key}: {val}' for (key, val) in value.items()), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def parse(self, data: bytes) -> ListArtifact[TextArtifact]:
    reader = csv.DictReader(StringIO(data.decode(self.encoding)), delimiter=self.delimiter)

    return ListArtifact(
        [TextArtifact(self.formatter_fn(row), meta={"row_num": row_num}) for row_num, row in enumerate(reader)]


Bases: BaseLoader['EmailLoader.EmailQuery', list[bytes], ListArtifact]

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class EmailLoader(BaseLoader["EmailLoader.EmailQuery", list[bytes], ListArtifact]):  # pyright: ignore[reportGeneralTypeIssues]
    class EmailQuery:
        """An email retrieval query.

            label: Label to retrieve emails from such as 'INBOX' or 'SENT'.
            key: Optional key for filtering such as 'FROM' or 'SUBJECT'.
            search_criteria: Optional search criteria to filter emails by key.
            max_count: Optional max email count.

        label: str = field(kw_only=True)
        key: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
        search_criteria: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
        max_count: Optional[int] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)

    imap_url: str = field(kw_only=True)
    username: str = field(kw_only=True)
    password: str = field(kw_only=True)

    def fetch(self, source: EmailLoader.EmailQuery) -> list[bytes]:
        label, key, search_criteria, max_count = astuple(source)

        mail_bytes = []
        with imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(self.imap_url) as client:
            client.login(self.username, self.password)

            mailbox ='"{label}"', readonly=True)
            if mailbox[0] != "OK":
                raise Exception(mailbox[1][0].decode())

            if key and search_criteria:
                _typ, [message_numbers] =, key, f'"{search_criteria}"')
                messages_count = self._count_messages(message_numbers)
            elif len(mailbox) > 1 and mailbox[1] and mailbox[1][0] is not None:
                messages_count = int(mailbox[1][0])
                raise Exception("unable to parse number of messages")

            top_n = max(0, messages_count - max_count) if max_count else 0
            for i in range(messages_count, top_n, -1):
                _result, data = client.fetch(str(i), "(RFC822)")

                if data is None or not data or data[0] is None:



        return mail_bytes

    def parse(self, data: list[bytes]) -> ListArtifact[TextArtifact]:
        mailparser = import_optional_dependency("mailparser")
        artifacts = []
        for byte in data:
            message = mailparser.parse_from_bytes(byte)

            # Note: mailparser only populates the text_plain field
            # if the message content type is explicitly set to 'text/plain'.
            if message.text_plain:

        return ListArtifact(artifacts)

    def _count_messages(self, message_numbers: bytes) -> int:
        return len(list(filter(None, message_numbers.decode().split(" "))))

imap_url: str = field(kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

password: str = field(kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

username: str = field(kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


An email retrieval query.


Name Type Description
label str

Label to retrieve emails from such as 'INBOX' or 'SENT'.

key Optional[str]

Optional key for filtering such as 'FROM' or 'SUBJECT'.

search_criteria Optional[str]

Optional search criteria to filter emails by key.

max_count Optional[int]

Optional max email count.

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class EmailQuery:
    """An email retrieval query.

        label: Label to retrieve emails from such as 'INBOX' or 'SENT'.
        key: Optional key for filtering such as 'FROM' or 'SUBJECT'.
        search_criteria: Optional search criteria to filter emails by key.
        max_count: Optional max email count.

    label: str = field(kw_only=True)
    key: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    search_criteria: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    max_count: Optional[int] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
key: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute
label: str = field(kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute
max_count: Optional[int] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute
search_criteria: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def fetch(self, source: EmailLoader.EmailQuery) -> list[bytes]:
    label, key, search_criteria, max_count = astuple(source)

    mail_bytes = []
    with imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(self.imap_url) as client:
        client.login(self.username, self.password)

        mailbox ='"{label}"', readonly=True)
        if mailbox[0] != "OK":
            raise Exception(mailbox[1][0].decode())

        if key and search_criteria:
            _typ, [message_numbers] =, key, f'"{search_criteria}"')
            messages_count = self._count_messages(message_numbers)
        elif len(mailbox) > 1 and mailbox[1] and mailbox[1][0] is not None:
            messages_count = int(mailbox[1][0])
            raise Exception("unable to parse number of messages")

        top_n = max(0, messages_count - max_count) if max_count else 0
        for i in range(messages_count, top_n, -1):
            _result, data = client.fetch(str(i), "(RFC822)")

            if data is None or not data or data[0] is None:



    return mail_bytes


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def parse(self, data: list[bytes]) -> ListArtifact[TextArtifact]:
    mailparser = import_optional_dependency("mailparser")
    artifacts = []
    for byte in data:
        message = mailparser.parse_from_bytes(byte)

        # Note: mailparser only populates the text_plain field
        # if the message content type is explicitly set to 'text/plain'.
        if message.text_plain:

    return ListArtifact(artifacts)


Bases: BaseFileLoader[ImageArtifact]

Loads images into image artifacts.


Name Type Description
format Optional[str]

If provided, attempts to ensure image artifacts are in this format when loaded. For example, when set to 'PNG', loading image.jpg will return an ImageArtifact containing the image bytes in PNG format.

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class ImageLoader(BaseFileLoader[ImageArtifact]):
    """Loads images into image artifacts.

        format: If provided, attempts to ensure image artifacts are in this format when loaded.
                For example, when set to 'PNG', loading image.jpg will return an ImageArtifact containing the image
                    bytes in PNG format.

    format: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)

    def parse(self, data: bytes) -> ImageArtifact:
        pil_image = import_optional_dependency("PIL.Image")
        image =

        # Normalize format only if requested.
        if self.format is not None:
            byte_stream = BytesIO()
  , format=self.format)
            image =
            data = byte_stream.getvalue()

        return ImageArtifact(data, format=image.format.lower(), width=image.width, height=image.height)

format: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def parse(self, data: bytes) -> ImageArtifact:
    pil_image = import_optional_dependency("PIL.Image")
    image =

    # Normalize format only if requested.
    if self.format is not None:
        byte_stream = BytesIO(), format=self.format)
        image =
        data = byte_stream.getvalue()

    return ImageArtifact(data, format=image.format.lower(), width=image.width, height=image.height)


Bases: BaseFileLoader

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class PdfLoader(BaseFileLoader):
    def parse(
        data: bytes,
        password: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> ListArtifact:
        pypdf = import_optional_dependency("pypdf")
        reader = pypdf.PdfReader(BytesIO(data), strict=True, password=password)
        pages = [TextArtifact(p.extract_text()) for p in reader.pages]

        return ListArtifact(pages)

parse(data, *, password=None)

Source code in griptape/loaders/
def parse(
    data: bytes,
    password: Optional[str] = None,
) -> ListArtifact:
    pypdf = import_optional_dependency("pypdf")
    reader = pypdf.PdfReader(BytesIO(data), strict=True, password=password)
    pages = [TextArtifact(p.extract_text()) for p in reader.pages]

    return ListArtifact(pages)


Bases: BaseLoader[str, list[RowResult], ListArtifact[TextArtifact]]

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class SqlLoader(BaseLoader[str, list[BaseSqlDriver.RowResult], ListArtifact[TextArtifact]]):
    sql_driver: BaseSqlDriver = field(kw_only=True)
    formatter_fn: Callable[[dict], str] = field(
        default=lambda value: "\n".join(f"{key}: {val}" for key, val in value.items()), kw_only=True

    def fetch(self, source: str) -> list[BaseSqlDriver.RowResult]:
        return self.sql_driver.execute_query(source) or []

    def parse(self, data: list[BaseSqlDriver.RowResult]) -> ListArtifact[TextArtifact]:
        return ListArtifact([TextArtifact(self.formatter_fn(row.cells)) for row in data])

formatter_fn: Callable[[dict], str] = field(default=lambda value: '\n'.join(f'{key}: {val}' for (key, val) in value.items()), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

sql_driver: BaseSqlDriver = field(kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def fetch(self, source: str) -> list[BaseSqlDriver.RowResult]:
    return self.sql_driver.execute_query(source) or []


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def parse(self, data: list[BaseSqlDriver.RowResult]) -> ListArtifact[TextArtifact]:
    return ListArtifact([TextArtifact(self.formatter_fn(row.cells)) for row in data])


Bases: BaseFileLoader[TextArtifact]

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class TextLoader(BaseFileLoader[TextArtifact]):
    encoding: str = field(default="utf-8", kw_only=True)

    def parse(self, data: str | bytes) -> TextArtifact:
        if isinstance(data, str):
            return TextArtifact(data, encoding=self.encoding)
            return TextArtifact(data.decode(self.encoding), encoding=self.encoding)

encoding: str = field(default='utf-8', kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def parse(self, data: str | bytes) -> TextArtifact:
    if isinstance(data, str):
        return TextArtifact(data, encoding=self.encoding)
        return TextArtifact(data.decode(self.encoding), encoding=self.encoding)


Bases: BaseLoader[str, str, TextArtifact]

Source code in griptape/loaders/
class WebLoader(BaseLoader[str, str, TextArtifact]):
    web_scraper_driver: BaseWebScraperDriver = field(
        default=Factory(lambda: TrafilaturaWebScraperDriver()),

    def fetch(self, source: str) -> str:
        return self.web_scraper_driver.fetch_url(source)

    def parse(self, data: str) -> TextArtifact:
        return self.web_scraper_driver.extract_page(data)

web_scraper_driver: BaseWebScraperDriver = field(default=Factory(lambda: TrafilaturaWebScraperDriver()), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def fetch(self, source: str) -> str:
    return self.web_scraper_driver.fetch_url(source)


Source code in griptape/loaders/
def parse(self, data: str) -> TextArtifact:
    return self.web_scraper_driver.extract_page(data)