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Bases: BaseTool

Source code in griptape/tools/openweather_client/
class OpenWeatherClient(BaseTool):
    BASE_URL = ""
    api_key: str = field(kw_only=True)
    units: str = field(default="imperial", kw_only=True)

            "description": "Can be used to fetch the latitude and longitude for a given location.",
            "schema": Schema(
                        description="Location to fetch coordinates for. "
                        "For US cities, use the format 'city_name, state_code'. "
                        "For non-US cities, use 'city_name, country_code'. "
                        "For cities without specifying state or country, simply use 'city_name'.",
                    ): str
    def get_coordinates_by_location(self, params: dict) -> InfoArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
        location = params["values"].get("location")
        coordinates = self._fetch_coordinates(location)
        if coordinates:
            lat, lon = coordinates
            return InfoArtifact(f"Coordinates for {location}: Latitude: {lat}, Longitude: {lon}")
            return ErrorArtifact(f"Error fetching coordinates for location: {location}")

    def _fetch_coordinates(self, location: str) -> Optional[tuple[float, Optional[float]]]:
        parts = location.split(",")
        if len(parts) == 2 and parts[1].strip() in self.US_STATE_CODES:
            location += ", US"
        request_params = {"q": location, "limit": 1, "appid": self.api_key}
            response = requests.get(self.GEOCODING_URL, params=request_params)
            if response.status_code == 200:
                data = response.json()
                if data and isinstance(data, list):
                    return data[0]["lat"], data[0]["lon"]
                    f"Error fetching coordinates. HTTP Status Code: {response.status_code}. Response: {response.text}"
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"Error fetching coordinates: {e}")
        return None

            "description": "Can be used to fetch current weather data for a given location. "
            "Temperatures are returned in {{ _self.units }} by default.",
            "schema": Schema({Literal("location", description="Location to fetch weather data for."): str}),
    def get_current_weather_by_location(self, params: dict) -> ListArtifact | TextArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
        location = params["values"].get("location")
        coordinates = self._fetch_coordinates(location)
        if coordinates:
            lat, lon = coordinates
            request_params = {
                "lat": lat,
                "lon": lon,
                "exclude": "minutely,hourly,daily,alerts",
                "appid": self.api_key,
                "units": self.units,
            return self._fetch_weather_data(request_params)
            return ErrorArtifact(f"Error fetching coordinates for location: {location}")

            "description": "Can be used to fetch hourly forecast for a given location up to 48 hours ahead. "
            "Temperatures are returned in {{ _self.units }} by default.",
            "schema": Schema({Literal("location", description="Location to fetch hourly forecast for."): str}),
    def get_hourly_forecast_by_location(self, params: dict) -> ListArtifact | TextArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
        location = params["values"].get("location")
        coordinates = self._fetch_coordinates(location)
        if coordinates:
            lat, lon = coordinates
            request_params = {
                "lat": lat,
                "lon": lon,
                "exclude": "minutely,current,daily,alerts",
                "appid": self.api_key,
                "units": self.units,
            return self._fetch_weather_data(request_params)
            return ErrorArtifact(f"Error fetching coordinates for location: {location}")

            "description": "Can be used to fetch daily forecast for a given location up to 8 days ahead. "
            "Temperatures are returned in {{ _self.units }} by default.",
            "schema": Schema({Literal("location", description="Location to fetch daily forecast for."): str}),
    def get_daily_forecast_by_location(self, params: dict) -> ListArtifact | TextArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
        location = params["values"].get("location")
        coordinates = self._fetch_coordinates(location)
        if coordinates:
            lat, lon = coordinates
            request_params = {
                "lat": lat,
                "lon": lon,
                "exclude": "minutely,hourly,current,alerts",
                "appid": self.api_key,
                "units": self.units,
            return self._fetch_weather_data(request_params)
            return ErrorArtifact(f"Error fetching coordinates for location: {location}")

    def _fetch_weather_data(self, request_params: dict) -> ListArtifact | TextArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
            response = requests.get(self.BASE_URL, params=request_params)
            if response.status_code == 200:
                data = response.json()
                if isinstance(data, list):
                    wrapped_data = [InfoArtifact(item) for item in data]
                    return ListArtifact(wrapped_data)
                    return TextArtifact(str(data))
                logging.error(f"Error fetching weather data. HTTP Status Code: {response.status_code}")
                return ErrorArtifact("Error fetching weather data from OpenWeather API")
        except Exception as e:
            logging.error(f"Error fetching weather data: {e}")
            return ErrorArtifact(f"Error fetching weather data: {e}")

BASE_URL = '' class-attribute instance-attribute

GEOCODING_URL = '' class-attribute instance-attribute

US_STATE_CODES = ['AL', 'AK', 'AZ', 'AR', 'CA', 'CO', 'CT', 'DE', 'FL', 'GA', 'HI', 'ID', 'IL', 'IN', 'IA', 'KS', 'KY', 'LA', 'ME', 'MD', 'MA', 'MI', 'MN', 'MS', 'MO', 'MT', 'NE', 'NV', 'NH', 'NJ', 'NM', 'NY', 'NC', 'ND', 'OH', 'OK', 'OR', 'PA', 'RI', 'SC', 'SD', 'TN', 'TX', 'UT', 'VT', 'VA', 'WA', 'WV', 'WI', 'WY'] class-attribute instance-attribute

api_key: str = field(kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

units: str = field(default='imperial', kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/tools/openweather_client/
        "description": "Can be used to fetch the latitude and longitude for a given location.",
        "schema": Schema(
                    description="Location to fetch coordinates for. "
                    "For US cities, use the format 'city_name, state_code'. "
                    "For non-US cities, use 'city_name, country_code'. "
                    "For cities without specifying state or country, simply use 'city_name'.",
                ): str
def get_coordinates_by_location(self, params: dict) -> InfoArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
    location = params["values"].get("location")
    coordinates = self._fetch_coordinates(location)
    if coordinates:
        lat, lon = coordinates
        return InfoArtifact(f"Coordinates for {location}: Latitude: {lat}, Longitude: {lon}")
        return ErrorArtifact(f"Error fetching coordinates for location: {location}")


Source code in griptape/tools/openweather_client/
        "description": "Can be used to fetch current weather data for a given location. "
        "Temperatures are returned in {{ _self.units }} by default.",
        "schema": Schema({Literal("location", description="Location to fetch weather data for."): str}),
def get_current_weather_by_location(self, params: dict) -> ListArtifact | TextArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
    location = params["values"].get("location")
    coordinates = self._fetch_coordinates(location)
    if coordinates:
        lat, lon = coordinates
        request_params = {
            "lat": lat,
            "lon": lon,
            "exclude": "minutely,hourly,daily,alerts",
            "appid": self.api_key,
            "units": self.units,
        return self._fetch_weather_data(request_params)
        return ErrorArtifact(f"Error fetching coordinates for location: {location}")


Source code in griptape/tools/openweather_client/
        "description": "Can be used to fetch daily forecast for a given location up to 8 days ahead. "
        "Temperatures are returned in {{ _self.units }} by default.",
        "schema": Schema({Literal("location", description="Location to fetch daily forecast for."): str}),
def get_daily_forecast_by_location(self, params: dict) -> ListArtifact | TextArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
    location = params["values"].get("location")
    coordinates = self._fetch_coordinates(location)
    if coordinates:
        lat, lon = coordinates
        request_params = {
            "lat": lat,
            "lon": lon,
            "exclude": "minutely,hourly,current,alerts",
            "appid": self.api_key,
            "units": self.units,
        return self._fetch_weather_data(request_params)
        return ErrorArtifact(f"Error fetching coordinates for location: {location}")


Source code in griptape/tools/openweather_client/
        "description": "Can be used to fetch hourly forecast for a given location up to 48 hours ahead. "
        "Temperatures are returned in {{ _self.units }} by default.",
        "schema": Schema({Literal("location", description="Location to fetch hourly forecast for."): str}),
def get_hourly_forecast_by_location(self, params: dict) -> ListArtifact | TextArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
    location = params["values"].get("location")
    coordinates = self._fetch_coordinates(location)
    if coordinates:
        lat, lon = coordinates
        request_params = {
            "lat": lat,
            "lon": lon,
            "exclude": "minutely,current,daily,alerts",
            "appid": self.api_key,
            "units": self.units,
        return self._fetch_weather_data(request_params)
        return ErrorArtifact(f"Error fetching coordinates for location: {location}")