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Bedrock llama prompt model driver


Bases: BasePromptModelDriver

Source code in griptape/drivers/prompt_model/
class BedrockLlamaPromptModelDriver(BasePromptModelDriver):
    top_p: float = field(default=0.9, kw_only=True)
    _tokenizer: BedrockLlamaTokenizer = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    prompt_driver: Optional[AmazonBedrockPromptDriver] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)

    def tokenizer(self) -> BedrockLlamaTokenizer:
        """Returns the tokenizer for this driver.

        We need to pass the `session` field from the Prompt Driver to the
        Tokenizer. However, the Prompt Driver is not initialized until after
        the Prompt Model Driver is initialized. To resolve this, we make the `tokenizer`
        field a @property that is only initialized when it is first accessed.
        This ensures that by the time we need to initialize the Tokenizer, the
        Prompt Driver has already been initialized.

        See this thread more more information:

            BedrockLlamaTokenizer: The tokenizer for this driver.
        if self._tokenizer:
            return self._tokenizer
            self._tokenizer = BedrockLlamaTokenizer(model=self.prompt_driver.model)
            return self._tokenizer

    def prompt_stack_to_model_input(self, prompt_stack: PromptStack) -> str:
        Converts a `PromptStack` to a string that can be used as the input to the model.

        Prompt structure adapted from

            prompt_stack: The `PromptStack` to convert.
        prompt_lines = []

        inputs = iter(prompt_stack.inputs)
        input_pairs: list[tuple] = list(it.zip_longest(inputs, inputs))
        for input_pair in input_pairs:
            first_input: PromptStack.Input = input_pair[0]
            second_input: Optional[PromptStack.Input] = input_pair[1]

            if first_input.is_system():
                prompt_lines.append(f"<s>[INST] <<SYS>>\n{first_input.content}\n<</SYS>>\n\n")
                if second_input:
                    if second_input.is_user():
                        prompt_lines.append(f"{second_input.content} [/INST]")
                        raise Exception("System input must be followed by user input.")
            elif first_input.is_assistant():
                prompt_lines.append(f" {first_input.content} </s>")
                if second_input:
                    if second_input.is_user():
                        prompt_lines.append(f"<s>[INST] {second_input.content} [/INST]")
                        raise Exception("Assistant input must be followed by user input.")
            elif first_input.is_user():
                prompt_lines.append(f"<s>[INST] {first_input.content} [/INST]")
                if second_input:
                    if second_input.is_assistant():
                        prompt_lines.append(f" {second_input.content} </s>")
                        raise Exception("User input must be followed by assistant input.")

        return "".join(prompt_lines)

    def prompt_stack_to_model_params(self, prompt_stack: PromptStack) -> dict:
        prompt = self.prompt_stack_to_model_input(prompt_stack)

        return {
            "prompt": prompt,
            "max_gen_len": self.prompt_driver.max_output_tokens(prompt),
            "temperature": self.prompt_driver.temperature,
            "top_p": self.top_p,

    def process_output(self, output: list[dict] | str | bytes) -> TextArtifact:
        # When streaming, the response body comes back as bytes.
        if isinstance(output, bytes):
            output = output.decode()
        elif isinstance(output, list):
            raise Exception("Invalid output format.")

        body = json.loads(output)

        return TextArtifact(body["generation"])

prompt_driver: Optional[AmazonBedrockPromptDriver] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

tokenizer: BedrockLlamaTokenizer property

Returns the tokenizer for this driver.

We need to pass the session field from the Prompt Driver to the Tokenizer. However, the Prompt Driver is not initialized until after the Prompt Model Driver is initialized. To resolve this, we make the tokenizer field a @property that is only initialized when it is first accessed. This ensures that by the time we need to initialize the Tokenizer, the Prompt Driver has already been initialized.

See this thread more more information:


Name Type Description
BedrockLlamaTokenizer BedrockLlamaTokenizer

The tokenizer for this driver.

top_p: float = field(default=0.9, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/drivers/prompt_model/
def process_output(self, output: list[dict] | str | bytes) -> TextArtifact:
    # When streaming, the response body comes back as bytes.
    if isinstance(output, bytes):
        output = output.decode()
    elif isinstance(output, list):
        raise Exception("Invalid output format.")

    body = json.loads(output)

    return TextArtifact(body["generation"])


Converts a PromptStack to a string that can be used as the input to the model.

Prompt structure adapted from


Name Type Description Default
prompt_stack PromptStack

The PromptStack to convert.

Source code in griptape/drivers/prompt_model/
def prompt_stack_to_model_input(self, prompt_stack: PromptStack) -> str:
    Converts a `PromptStack` to a string that can be used as the input to the model.

    Prompt structure adapted from

        prompt_stack: The `PromptStack` to convert.
    prompt_lines = []

    inputs = iter(prompt_stack.inputs)
    input_pairs: list[tuple] = list(it.zip_longest(inputs, inputs))
    for input_pair in input_pairs:
        first_input: PromptStack.Input = input_pair[0]
        second_input: Optional[PromptStack.Input] = input_pair[1]

        if first_input.is_system():
            prompt_lines.append(f"<s>[INST] <<SYS>>\n{first_input.content}\n<</SYS>>\n\n")
            if second_input:
                if second_input.is_user():
                    prompt_lines.append(f"{second_input.content} [/INST]")
                    raise Exception("System input must be followed by user input.")
        elif first_input.is_assistant():
            prompt_lines.append(f" {first_input.content} </s>")
            if second_input:
                if second_input.is_user():
                    prompt_lines.append(f"<s>[INST] {second_input.content} [/INST]")
                    raise Exception("Assistant input must be followed by user input.")
        elif first_input.is_user():
            prompt_lines.append(f"<s>[INST] {first_input.content} [/INST]")
            if second_input:
                if second_input.is_assistant():
                    prompt_lines.append(f" {second_input.content} </s>")
                    raise Exception("User input must be followed by assistant input.")

    return "".join(prompt_lines)


Source code in griptape/drivers/prompt_model/
def prompt_stack_to_model_params(self, prompt_stack: PromptStack) -> dict:
    prompt = self.prompt_stack_to_model_input(prompt_stack)

    return {
        "prompt": prompt,
        "max_gen_len": self.prompt_driver.max_output_tokens(prompt),
        "temperature": self.prompt_driver.temperature,
        "top_p": self.top_p,