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Griptape cloud event listener driver


Bases: BaseEventListenerDriver

Driver for publishing events to Griptape Cloud.


Name Type Description
base_url str

The base URL of Griptape Cloud. Defaults to the GT_CLOUD_BASE_URL environment variable.

api_key str

The API key to authenticate with Griptape Cloud.

headers dict

The headers to use when making requests to Griptape Cloud. Defaults to include the Authorization header.

structure_run_id str

The ID of the Structure Run to publish events to. Defaults to the GT_CLOUD_STRUCTURE_RUN_ID environment variable.

Source code in griptape/drivers/event_listener/
class GriptapeCloudEventListenerDriver(BaseEventListenerDriver):
    """Driver for publishing events to Griptape Cloud.

        base_url: The base URL of Griptape Cloud. Defaults to the GT_CLOUD_BASE_URL environment variable.
        api_key: The API key to authenticate with Griptape Cloud.
        headers: The headers to use when making requests to Griptape Cloud. Defaults to include the Authorization header.
        structure_run_id: The ID of the Structure Run to publish events to. Defaults to the GT_CLOUD_STRUCTURE_RUN_ID environment variable.

    base_url: str = field(
        default=Factory(lambda: os.getenv("GT_CLOUD_BASE_URL", "")), kw_only=True
    api_key: str = field(kw_only=True)
    headers: dict = field(
        default=Factory(lambda self: {"Authorization": f"Bearer {self.api_key}"}, takes_self=True), kw_only=True
    structure_run_id: str = field(default=Factory(lambda: os.getenv("GT_CLOUD_STRUCTURE_RUN_ID")), kw_only=True)

    @structure_run_id.validator  # pyright: ignore
    def validate_run_id(self, _, structure_run_id: str):
        if structure_run_id is None:
            raise ValueError(
                "structure_run_id must be set either in the constructor or as an environment variable (GT_CLOUD_STRUCTURE_RUN_ID)."

    def try_publish_event_payload(self, event_payload: dict) -> None:
        url = urljoin(self.base_url.strip("/"), f"/api/structure-runs/{self.structure_run_id}/events")

        response =, json=event_payload, headers=self.headers)

api_key: str = field(kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

base_url: str = field(default=Factory(lambda: os.getenv('GT_CLOUD_BASE_URL', '')), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

headers: dict = field(default=Factory(lambda self: {'Authorization': f'Bearer {self.api_key}'}, takes_self=True), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

structure_run_id: str = field(default=Factory(lambda: os.getenv('GT_CLOUD_STRUCTURE_RUN_ID')), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/drivers/event_listener/
def try_publish_event_payload(self, event_payload: dict) -> None:
    url = urljoin(self.base_url.strip("/"), f"/api/structure-runs/{self.structure_run_id}/events")

    response =, json=event_payload, headers=self.headers)

validate_run_id(_, structure_run_id)

Source code in griptape/drivers/event_listener/
@structure_run_id.validator  # pyright: ignore
def validate_run_id(self, _, structure_run_id: str):
    if structure_run_id is None:
        raise ValueError(
            "structure_run_id must be set either in the constructor or as an environment variable (GT_CLOUD_STRUCTURE_RUN_ID)."