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Bases: BaseMessageContent

Source code in griptape/common/prompt_stack/contents/
class ActionCallMessageContent(BaseMessageContent):
    artifact: ActionArtifact = field(metadata={"serializable": True})

    def from_deltas(cls, deltas: Sequence[BaseDeltaMessageContent]) -> ActionCallMessageContent:
        action_call_deltas = [delta for delta in deltas if isinstance(delta, ActionCallDeltaMessageContent)]

        tag = None
        name = None
        path = None
        json_input = ""

        for delta in action_call_deltas:
            if delta.tag is not None:
                tag = delta.tag
            if is not None:
                name =
            if delta.path is not None:
                path = delta.path
            if delta.partial_input is not None:
                json_input += delta.partial_input

        if tag is not None and name is not None and path is not None:
                parsed_input = json.loads(json_input or "{}")
            except json.JSONDecodeError as exc:
                raise ValueError("Invalid JSON input for ToolAction") from exc
            action = ToolAction(tag=tag, name=name, path=path, input=parsed_input)
            raise ValueError("Missing required fields for ToolAction")

        artifact = ActionArtifact(value=action)

        return cls(artifact=artifact)

artifact: ActionArtifact = field(metadata={'serializable': True}) class-attribute instance-attribute

from_deltas(deltas) classmethod

Source code in griptape/common/prompt_stack/contents/
def from_deltas(cls, deltas: Sequence[BaseDeltaMessageContent]) -> ActionCallMessageContent:
    action_call_deltas = [delta for delta in deltas if isinstance(delta, ActionCallDeltaMessageContent)]

    tag = None
    name = None
    path = None
    json_input = ""

    for delta in action_call_deltas:
        if delta.tag is not None:
            tag = delta.tag
        if is not None:
            name =
        if delta.path is not None:
            path = delta.path
        if delta.partial_input is not None:
            json_input += delta.partial_input

    if tag is not None and name is not None and path is not None:
            parsed_input = json.loads(json_input or "{}")
        except json.JSONDecodeError as exc:
            raise ValueError("Invalid JSON input for ToolAction") from exc
        action = ToolAction(tag=tag, name=name, path=path, input=parsed_input)
        raise ValueError("Missing required fields for ToolAction")

    artifact = ActionArtifact(value=action)

    return cls(artifact=artifact)