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Bases: BaseGriptapeCloudTool

Runs a Griptape Cloud hosted Tool.


Name Type Description
tool_id str

The ID of the tool to run.

Source code in griptape/tools/griptape_cloud_tool/
class GriptapeCloudToolTool(BaseGriptapeCloudTool):
    """Runs a Griptape Cloud hosted Tool.

        tool_id: The ID of the tool to run.

    tool_id: str = field(kw_only=True)

    def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:

    def _init_activities(self) -> None:
        schema = self._get_schema()
        tool_name, activity_schemas = self._parse_schema(schema)

        if == self.__class__.__name__:
   = tool_name

        for activity_name, (description, activity_schema) in activity_schemas.items():
            activity_handler = self._create_activity_handler(activity_name, description, activity_schema)

            setattr(self, activity_name, MethodType(activity_handler, self))

    def _get_schema(self) -> dict:
        response = requests.get(urljoin(self.base_url, f"/api/tools/{self.tool_id}/openapi"), headers=self.headers)

        schema = response.json()

        if not isinstance(schema, dict):
            raise RuntimeError(f"Invalid schema for tool {self.tool_id}: {schema}")

        if "error" in schema and "tool_run_id" in schema:
            raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to retrieve schema for tool {self.tool_id}: {schema['error']}")

        return schema

    def _parse_schema(self, schema: dict) -> tuple[str, dict[str, tuple[str, Schema]]]:
        """Parses an openapi schema into a dictionary of activity names and their respective descriptions + schemas."""
        activities = {}

        name = schema.get("info", {}).get("title")

        for path, path_info in schema.get("paths", {}).items():
            if not path.startswith("/activities"):
            for method, method_info in path_info.items():
                if "post" in method.lower():
                    activity_name = method_info["operationId"]
                    description = method_info.get("description", "")

                    activity_schema = self.__extract_schema_from_ref(
                        method_info.get("requestBody", {})
                        .get("content", {})
                        .get("application/json", {})
                        .get("schema", {}),

                    activities[activity_name] = (description, activity_schema)

        return name, activities

    def __extract_schema_from_ref(self, schema: dict, schema_ref: dict) -> Schema:
        """Extracts a schema from a $ref if present, resolving it into native schema properties."""
        if "$ref" in schema_ref:
            # Resolve the reference and retrieve the schema data
            ref_path = schema_ref["$ref"].split("/")[-1]
            schema_data = schema["components"]["schemas"].get(ref_path, {})
            # Use the provided schema directly if no $ref is found
            schema_data = schema_ref

        # Convert the schema_data dictionary into a Schema with its properties
        properties = {}
        for prop, prop_info in schema_data.get("properties", {}).items():
            prop_type = prop_info.get("type", "string")
            prop_description = prop_info.get("description", "")
            schema_prop = Literal(prop, description=prop_description)
            is_optional = prop not in schema_data.get("required", [])

            if is_optional:
                schema_prop = SchemaOptional(schema_prop)

            properties[schema_prop] = self._map_openapi_type_to_python(prop_type, prop_info)

        return Schema(properties)

    def _map_openapi_type_to_python(self, openapi_type: str, schema_info: Optional[dict] = None) -> type | list[type]:
        """Maps OpenAPI types to native Python types."""
        type_mapping = {"string": str, "integer": int, "boolean": bool, "number": float, "object": dict}

        if openapi_type == "array" and schema_info is not None and "items" in schema_info:
            items_type = schema_info["items"].get("type", "string")
            return [self._map_openapi_type_to_python(items_type)]  # pyright: ignore[reportReturnType]
            return type_mapping.get(openapi_type, str)

    def _create_activity_handler(self, activity_name: str, description: str, activity_schema: Schema) -> Callable:
        """Creates an activity handler method for the tool."""

        @activity(config={"name": activity_name, "description": description, "schema": activity_schema})
        def activity_handler(self: GriptapeCloudToolTool, values: dict) -> Any:
            return self._run_activity(activity_name, values)

        return activity_handler

    def _run_activity(self, activity_name: str, params: dict) -> BaseArtifact:
        """Runs an activity on the tool with the provided parameters."""
        url = urljoin(self.base_url, f"/api/tools/{self.tool_id}/activities/{activity_name}")

        response =, json=params, headers=self.headers)


            return BaseArtifact.from_dict(response.json())
        except ValueError:
            return TextArtifact(response.text)

tool_id: str = field(kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/tools/griptape_cloud_tool/
def __attrs_post_init__(self) -> None:

__extract_schema_from_ref(schema, schema_ref)

Extracts a schema from a $ref if present, resolving it into native schema properties.

Source code in griptape/tools/griptape_cloud_tool/
def __extract_schema_from_ref(self, schema: dict, schema_ref: dict) -> Schema:
    """Extracts a schema from a $ref if present, resolving it into native schema properties."""
    if "$ref" in schema_ref:
        # Resolve the reference and retrieve the schema data
        ref_path = schema_ref["$ref"].split("/")[-1]
        schema_data = schema["components"]["schemas"].get(ref_path, {})
        # Use the provided schema directly if no $ref is found
        schema_data = schema_ref

    # Convert the schema_data dictionary into a Schema with its properties
    properties = {}
    for prop, prop_info in schema_data.get("properties", {}).items():
        prop_type = prop_info.get("type", "string")
        prop_description = prop_info.get("description", "")
        schema_prop = Literal(prop, description=prop_description)
        is_optional = prop not in schema_data.get("required", [])

        if is_optional:
            schema_prop = SchemaOptional(schema_prop)

        properties[schema_prop] = self._map_openapi_type_to_python(prop_type, prop_info)

    return Schema(properties)