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Bases: BaseTool

A tool for making REST API requests.


Name Type Description
base_url str

The base url that will be used for the request.

path Optional[str]

The resource path that will be appended to base_url.

description str

A description of what the REST API does.

request_body_schema Optional[str]

A JSON schema string describing the request body. Recommended for PUT, POST, and PATCH requests.

request_query_params_schema Optional[str]

A JSON schema string describing the available query parameters.

request_path_params_schema Optional[str]

A JSON schema string describing the available path parameters. The schema must describe an array of string values.

response_body_schema Optional[str]

A JSON schema string describing the response body.

request_headers Optional[dict[str, str]]

Headers to include in the requests.

Source code in griptape/tools/rest_api/
class RestApiTool(BaseTool):
    """A tool for making REST API requests.

        base_url: The base url that will be used for the request.
        path: The resource path that will be appended to base_url.
        description: A description of what the REST API does.
        request_body_schema: A JSON schema string describing the request body. Recommended for PUT, POST, and PATCH requests.
        request_query_params_schema: A JSON schema string describing the available query parameters.
        request_path_params_schema: A JSON schema string describing the available path parameters. The schema must describe an array of string values.
        response_body_schema: A JSON schema string describing the response body.
        request_headers: Headers to include in the requests.

    base_url: str = field(kw_only=True)
    path: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    description: str = field(kw_only=True)
    request_path_params_schema: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    request_query_params_schema: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    request_body_schema: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    response_body_schema: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    request_headers: Optional[dict[str, str]] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)

    def full_url(self) -> str:
        return self._build_url(self.base_url, path=self.path)

            "description": dedent(
                This tool can be used to make a put request to the rest api url: {{ _self.full_url }}
                This rest api has the following description: {{ _self.description }}
                {% if _self.request_body_schema %}The request body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_body_schema }}{% endif %}
                {% if _self.response_body_schema %}The response body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.response_body_schema }}{% endif %}
            "schema": Schema({Literal("body", description="The request body."): dict}),
    def put(self, params: dict) -> BaseArtifact:
        from requests import exceptions, put

        values = params["values"]
        base_url = self.base_url
        path = self.path
        body = values["body"]
        url = self._build_url(base_url, path=path)

            response = put(url, json=body, timeout=30, headers=self.request_headers)

            return TextArtifact(response.text)
        except exceptions.RequestException as err:
            return ErrorArtifact(str(err))

            "description": dedent(
                This tool can be used to make a patch request to the rest api url: {{ _self.full_url }}
                This rest api has the following description: {{ _self.description }}
                {% if _self.request_path_parameters %}The request path parameters must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_path_params_schema }}{% endif %}
                {% if _self.request_body_schema %}The request body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_body_schema }}{% endif %}
                {% if _self.response_body_schema %}The response body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.response_body_schema }}{% endif %}
            "schema": Schema(
                    Literal("path_params", description="The request path parameters."): Schema([str]),
                    Literal("body", description="The request body."): dict,
    def patch(self, params: dict) -> BaseArtifact:
        from requests import exceptions, patch

        values = params["values"]
        base_url = self.base_url
        path = self.path
        body = values["body"]
        path_params = values["path_params"]
        url = self._build_url(base_url, path=path, path_params=path_params)

            response = patch(url, json=body, timeout=30, headers=self.request_headers)
            return TextArtifact(response.text)
        except exceptions.RequestException as err:
            return ErrorArtifact(str(err))

            "description": dedent(
                This tool can be used to make a post request to the rest api url: {{ _self.full_url }}
                This rest api has the following description: {{ _self.description }}
                {% if _self.request_body_schema %}The request body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_body_schema }}{% endif %}
                {% if _self.response_body_schema %}The response body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.response_body_schema }}{% endif %}
            "schema": Schema({Literal("body", description="The request body."): dict}),
    def post(self, params: dict) -> BaseArtifact:
        from requests import exceptions, post

        values = params["values"]
        base_url = self.base_url
        path = self.path
        url = self._build_url(base_url, path=path)
        body = values["body"]

            response = post(url, json=body, timeout=30, headers=self.request_headers)
            return TextArtifact(response.text)
        except exceptions.RequestException as err:
            return ErrorArtifact(str(err))

            "description": dedent(
                This tool can be used to make a get request to the rest api url: {{ _self.full_url }}
                This rest api has the following description: {{ _self.description }}
                {% if _self.request_path_parameters %}The request path parameters must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_path_params_schema }}{% endif %}
                {% if _self.request_query_parameters %}The request query parameters must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_path_params_schema }}{% endif %}
                {% if _self.response_body_schema %}The response body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.response_body_schema }}{% endif %}
            "schema": schema.Optional(
                        schema.Optional(Literal("query_params", description="The request query parameters.")): dict,
                        schema.Optional(Literal("path_params", description="The request path parameters.")): Schema(
    def get(self, params: dict) -> BaseArtifact:
        from requests import exceptions, get

        values = params["values"]
        base_url = self.base_url
        path = self.path

        query_params = {}
        path_params = []
        if values:
            query_params = values.get("query_params", {})
            path_params = values.get("path_params", [])
        url = self._build_url(base_url, path=path, path_params=path_params)

            response = get(url, params=query_params, timeout=30, headers=self.request_headers)
            return TextArtifact(response.text)
        except exceptions.RequestException as err:
            return ErrorArtifact(str(err))

            "description": dedent(
                This tool can be used to make a delete request to the rest api url: {{ _self.full_url }}
                This rest api has the following description: {{ _self.description }}
                {% if _self.request_path_parameters %}The request path parameters must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_path_params_schema }}{% endif %}
                {% if _self.request_query_parameters %}The request query parameters must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_path_params_schema }}{% endif %}
            "schema": Schema(
                    schema.Optional(Literal("query_params", description="The request query parameters.")): dict,
                    schema.Optional(Literal("path_params", description="The request path parameters.")): Schema([str]),
    def delete(self, params: dict) -> BaseArtifact:
        from requests import delete, exceptions

        values = params["values"]
        base_url = self.base_url
        path = self.path

        query_params = values.get("query_params", {})
        path_params = values.get("path_params", [])
        url = self._build_url(base_url, path=path, path_params=path_params)

            response = delete(url, params=query_params, timeout=30, headers=self.request_headers)
            return TextArtifact(response.text)
        except exceptions.RequestException as err:
            return ErrorArtifact(str(err))

    def _build_url(self, base_url: str, path: Optional[str] = None, path_params: Optional[list] = None) -> str:
        url = ""

        if path:
            url += path.strip("/")

        if path_params:
            url += f"/{str.join('/', map(str, path_params))}"

        return urljoin(base_url.strip("/"), url)

base_url: str = field(kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

description: str = field(kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

full_url: str property

path: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

request_body_schema: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

request_headers: Optional[dict[str, str]] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

request_path_params_schema: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

request_query_params_schema: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

response_body_schema: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/tools/rest_api/
        "description": dedent(
            This tool can be used to make a delete request to the rest api url: {{ _self.full_url }}
            This rest api has the following description: {{ _self.description }}
            {% if _self.request_path_parameters %}The request path parameters must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_path_params_schema }}{% endif %}
            {% if _self.request_query_parameters %}The request query parameters must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_path_params_schema }}{% endif %}
        "schema": Schema(
                schema.Optional(Literal("query_params", description="The request query parameters.")): dict,
                schema.Optional(Literal("path_params", description="The request path parameters.")): Schema([str]),
def delete(self, params: dict) -> BaseArtifact:
    from requests import delete, exceptions

    values = params["values"]
    base_url = self.base_url
    path = self.path

    query_params = values.get("query_params", {})
    path_params = values.get("path_params", [])
    url = self._build_url(base_url, path=path, path_params=path_params)

        response = delete(url, params=query_params, timeout=30, headers=self.request_headers)
        return TextArtifact(response.text)
    except exceptions.RequestException as err:
        return ErrorArtifact(str(err))


Source code in griptape/tools/rest_api/
        "description": dedent(
            This tool can be used to make a get request to the rest api url: {{ _self.full_url }}
            This rest api has the following description: {{ _self.description }}
            {% if _self.request_path_parameters %}The request path parameters must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_path_params_schema }}{% endif %}
            {% if _self.request_query_parameters %}The request query parameters must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_path_params_schema }}{% endif %}
            {% if _self.response_body_schema %}The response body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.response_body_schema }}{% endif %}
        "schema": schema.Optional(
                    schema.Optional(Literal("query_params", description="The request query parameters.")): dict,
                    schema.Optional(Literal("path_params", description="The request path parameters.")): Schema(
def get(self, params: dict) -> BaseArtifact:
    from requests import exceptions, get

    values = params["values"]
    base_url = self.base_url
    path = self.path

    query_params = {}
    path_params = []
    if values:
        query_params = values.get("query_params", {})
        path_params = values.get("path_params", [])
    url = self._build_url(base_url, path=path, path_params=path_params)

        response = get(url, params=query_params, timeout=30, headers=self.request_headers)
        return TextArtifact(response.text)
    except exceptions.RequestException as err:
        return ErrorArtifact(str(err))


Source code in griptape/tools/rest_api/
        "description": dedent(
            This tool can be used to make a patch request to the rest api url: {{ _self.full_url }}
            This rest api has the following description: {{ _self.description }}
            {% if _self.request_path_parameters %}The request path parameters must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_path_params_schema }}{% endif %}
            {% if _self.request_body_schema %}The request body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_body_schema }}{% endif %}
            {% if _self.response_body_schema %}The response body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.response_body_schema }}{% endif %}
        "schema": Schema(
                Literal("path_params", description="The request path parameters."): Schema([str]),
                Literal("body", description="The request body."): dict,
def patch(self, params: dict) -> BaseArtifact:
    from requests import exceptions, patch

    values = params["values"]
    base_url = self.base_url
    path = self.path
    body = values["body"]
    path_params = values["path_params"]
    url = self._build_url(base_url, path=path, path_params=path_params)

        response = patch(url, json=body, timeout=30, headers=self.request_headers)
        return TextArtifact(response.text)
    except exceptions.RequestException as err:
        return ErrorArtifact(str(err))


Source code in griptape/tools/rest_api/
        "description": dedent(
            This tool can be used to make a post request to the rest api url: {{ _self.full_url }}
            This rest api has the following description: {{ _self.description }}
            {% if _self.request_body_schema %}The request body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_body_schema }}{% endif %}
            {% if _self.response_body_schema %}The response body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.response_body_schema }}{% endif %}
        "schema": Schema({Literal("body", description="The request body."): dict}),
def post(self, params: dict) -> BaseArtifact:
    from requests import exceptions, post

    values = params["values"]
    base_url = self.base_url
    path = self.path
    url = self._build_url(base_url, path=path)
    body = values["body"]

        response = post(url, json=body, timeout=30, headers=self.request_headers)
        return TextArtifact(response.text)
    except exceptions.RequestException as err:
        return ErrorArtifact(str(err))


Source code in griptape/tools/rest_api/
        "description": dedent(
            This tool can be used to make a put request to the rest api url: {{ _self.full_url }}
            This rest api has the following description: {{ _self.description }}
            {% if _self.request_body_schema %}The request body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.request_body_schema }}{% endif %}
            {% if _self.response_body_schema %}The response body must follow this JSON schema: {{ _self.response_body_schema }}{% endif %}
        "schema": Schema({Literal("body", description="The request body."): dict}),
def put(self, params: dict) -> BaseArtifact:
    from requests import exceptions, put

    values = params["values"]
    base_url = self.base_url
    path = self.path
    body = values["body"]
    url = self._build_url(base_url, path=path)

        response = put(url, json=body, timeout=30, headers=self.request_headers)

        return TextArtifact(response.text)
    except exceptions.RequestException as err:
        return ErrorArtifact(str(err))