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Bases: BaseTool

Tool for working with email.


Name Type Description
username Optional[str]

Username/email address used to send email via the SMTP protocol and retrieve email via the IMAP protocol. Example:

password Optional[str]

Password used to send email via the SMTP protocol and retrieve email via the IMAP protocol. If using gmail, this would be an App Password.

email_max_retrieve_count Optional[int]

Used to limit the number of messages retrieved during any given activities.

smtp_host Optional[str]

Hostname or url of the SMTP server. Example: Required when using the send activity.

smtp_port Optional[int]

Port of the SMTP server. Example: 465. Required when using the send activity.

smtp_use_ssl bool

Whether to use SSL when sending email via the SMTP protocol.

smtp_user Optional[str]

Username/email address used to send email via the SMTP protocol. Overrides username for SMTP only. Required when using the send activity.

smtp_password Optional[str]

Password to send email via the SMTP protocol. Overrides password for SMTP only. Required when using the send activity.

imap_url Optional[str]

Hostname or url of the IMAP server. Example: Required when using the retrieve activity.

imap_user Optional[str]

Username/email address used to retrieve email via the IMAP protocol. Overrides username for IMAP only. Required when using the retrieve activity.

imap_password Optional[str]

Password to retrieve email via the IMAP protocol. Overrides password for IMAP only. Required when using the retrieve activity.

mailboxes dict[str, Optional[str]]

Descriptions of mailboxes available for retrieving email via the IMAP protocol. Required when using the retrieve activity. Example: {'INBOX': 'default mailbox for incoming email', 'SENT': 'default mailbox for sent email'}

email_loader EmailLoader

Instance of EmailLoader.

Source code in griptape/tools/email/
class EmailTool(BaseTool):
    """Tool for working with email.

        username: Username/email address used to send email via the SMTP protocol and retrieve email via the IMAP protocol.
        password: Password used to send email via the SMTP protocol and retrieve email via the IMAP protocol. If using gmail,
            this would be an App Password.
        email_max_retrieve_count: Used to limit the number of messages retrieved during any given activities.
        smtp_host: Hostname or url of the SMTP server. Example: Required when using the `send` activity.
        smtp_port: Port of the SMTP server. Example: 465. Required when using the `send` activity.
        smtp_use_ssl: Whether to use SSL when sending email via the SMTP protocol.
        smtp_user: Username/email address used to send email via the SMTP protocol. Overrides username for SMTP only. Required when using the `send` activity.
        smtp_password: Password to send email via the SMTP protocol. Overrides password for SMTP only. Required when using the `send` activity.
        imap_url: Hostname or url of the IMAP server. Example: Required when using the `retrieve` activity.
        imap_user: Username/email address used to retrieve email via the IMAP protocol. Overrides username for IMAP only. Required when using the `retrieve` activity.
        imap_password: Password to retrieve email via the IMAP protocol.  Overrides password for IMAP only. Required when using the `retrieve` activity.
        mailboxes: Descriptions of mailboxes available for retrieving email via the IMAP protocol. Required when using the `retrieve` activity.
            Example: {'INBOX': 'default mailbox for incoming email', 'SENT': 'default mailbox for sent email'}
        email_loader: Instance of `EmailLoader`.

    username: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    password: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    email_max_retrieve_count: Optional[int] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    smtp_host: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    smtp_port: Optional[int] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    smtp_use_ssl: bool = field(default=True, kw_only=True)
    smtp_user: Optional[str] = field(default=Factory(lambda self: self.username, takes_self=True), kw_only=True)
    smtp_password: Optional[str] = field(default=Factory(lambda self: self.password, takes_self=True), kw_only=True)
    imap_url: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    imap_user: Optional[str] = field(default=Factory(lambda self: self.username, takes_self=True), kw_only=True)
    imap_password: Optional[str] = field(default=Factory(lambda self: self.password, takes_self=True), kw_only=True)
    mailboxes: dict[str, Optional[str]] = field(default=None, kw_only=True)
    email_loader: EmailLoader = field(
            lambda self: EmailLoader(imap_url=self.imap_url, username=self.imap_user, password=self.imap_password),

            "description": "Can be used to retrieve emails."
            "{% if _self.mailboxes %} Available mailboxes: {{ _self.mailboxes }}{% endif %}",
            "schema": Schema(
                    Literal("label", description="Label to retrieve emails from such as 'INBOX' or 'SENT'"): str,
                        Literal("key", description="Optional key for filtering such as 'FROM' or 'SUBJECT'"),
                    ): str,
                        Literal("search_criteria", description="Optional search criteria to filter emails by key"),
                    ): str,
                    schema.Optional(Literal("max_count", description="Optional max email count")): int,
    def retrieve(self, params: dict) -> ListArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
        if self.mailboxes is None:
            return ErrorArtifact("mailboxes is required")

        values = params["values"]
        max_count = int(values["max_count"]) if values.get("max_count") is not None else self.email_max_retrieve_count

        return self.email_loader.load(

            "description": "Can be used to send emails",
            "schema": Schema(
                    Literal("to", description="Recipient's email address"): str,
                    Literal("subject", description="Email subject"): str,
                    Literal("body", description="Email body"): str,
    def send(self, params: dict) -> InfoArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
        values = params["values"]
        if self.smtp_user is None:
            return ErrorArtifact("smtp_user is required")
        if self.smtp_password is None:
            return ErrorArtifact("smtp_password is required")
        if self.smtp_host is None:
            return ErrorArtifact("smtp_host is required")
        if self.smtp_port is None:
            return ErrorArtifact("smtp_port is required")

        msg = MIMEText(values["body"])
        msg["Subject"] = values["subject"]
        msg["From"] = self.smtp_user
        msg["To"] = values["to"]

            with self._create_smtp_client(self.smtp_host, self.smtp_port) as client:
                client.login(self.smtp_user, self.smtp_password)
                client.sendmail(msg["From"], [msg["To"]], msg.as_string())
                return InfoArtifact("email was successfully sent")
        except Exception as e:
            return ErrorArtifact(f"error sending email: {e}")

    def _create_smtp_client(self, smtp_host: str, smtp_port: int) -> smtplib.SMTP | smtplib.SMTP_SSL:
        if self.smtp_use_ssl:
            return smtplib.SMTP_SSL(smtp_host, smtp_port)
            return smtplib.SMTP(smtp_host, smtp_port)

email_loader: EmailLoader = field(default=Factory(lambda self: EmailLoader(imap_url=self.imap_url, username=self.imap_user, password=self.imap_password), takes_self=True), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

email_max_retrieve_count: Optional[int] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

imap_password: Optional[str] = field(default=Factory(lambda self: self.password, takes_self=True), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

imap_url: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

imap_user: Optional[str] = field(default=Factory(lambda self: self.username, takes_self=True), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

mailboxes: dict[str, Optional[str]] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

password: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

smtp_host: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

smtp_password: Optional[str] = field(default=Factory(lambda self: self.password, takes_self=True), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

smtp_port: Optional[int] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

smtp_use_ssl: bool = field(default=True, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

smtp_user: Optional[str] = field(default=Factory(lambda self: self.username, takes_self=True), kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute

username: Optional[str] = field(default=None, kw_only=True) class-attribute instance-attribute


Source code in griptape/tools/email/
        "description": "Can be used to retrieve emails."
        "{% if _self.mailboxes %} Available mailboxes: {{ _self.mailboxes }}{% endif %}",
        "schema": Schema(
                Literal("label", description="Label to retrieve emails from such as 'INBOX' or 'SENT'"): str,
                    Literal("key", description="Optional key for filtering such as 'FROM' or 'SUBJECT'"),
                ): str,
                    Literal("search_criteria", description="Optional search criteria to filter emails by key"),
                ): str,
                schema.Optional(Literal("max_count", description="Optional max email count")): int,
def retrieve(self, params: dict) -> ListArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
    if self.mailboxes is None:
        return ErrorArtifact("mailboxes is required")

    values = params["values"]
    max_count = int(values["max_count"]) if values.get("max_count") is not None else self.email_max_retrieve_count

    return self.email_loader.load(


Source code in griptape/tools/email/
        "description": "Can be used to send emails",
        "schema": Schema(
                Literal("to", description="Recipient's email address"): str,
                Literal("subject", description="Email subject"): str,
                Literal("body", description="Email body"): str,
def send(self, params: dict) -> InfoArtifact | ErrorArtifact:
    values = params["values"]
    if self.smtp_user is None:
        return ErrorArtifact("smtp_user is required")
    if self.smtp_password is None:
        return ErrorArtifact("smtp_password is required")
    if self.smtp_host is None:
        return ErrorArtifact("smtp_host is required")
    if self.smtp_port is None:
        return ErrorArtifact("smtp_port is required")

    msg = MIMEText(values["body"])
    msg["Subject"] = values["subject"]
    msg["From"] = self.smtp_user
    msg["To"] = values["to"]

        with self._create_smtp_client(self.smtp_host, self.smtp_port) as client:
            client.login(self.smtp_user, self.smtp_password)
            client.sendmail(msg["From"], [msg["To"]], msg.as_string())
            return InfoArtifact("email was successfully sent")
    except Exception as e:
        return ErrorArtifact(f"error sending email: {e}")