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__all__ = ['StableDiffusion3Img2ImgImageGenerationPipelineDriver'] module-attribute


Bases: StableDiffusion3ImageGenerationPipelineDriver

Image generation model driver for Stable Diffusion 3 model image to image pipelines.

For more information, see the HuggingFace documentation for the StableDiffusion3Img2ImgPipeline:


Name Type Description
strength Optional[float]

A value [0.0, 1.0] that determines the strength of the initial image in the output.

Source code in griptape/drivers/image_generation_pipeline/
class StableDiffusion3Img2ImgImageGenerationPipelineDriver(StableDiffusion3ImageGenerationPipelineDriver):
    """Image generation model driver for Stable Diffusion 3 model image to image pipelines.

    For more information, see the HuggingFace documentation for the StableDiffusion3Img2ImgPipeline:

        strength: A value [0.0, 1.0] that determines the strength of the initial image in the output.

    strength: Optional[float] = field(default=None, kw_only=True, metadata={"serializable": True})

    def prepare_pipeline(self, model: str, device: Optional[str]) -> Any:
        sd3_img2img_pipeline = import_optional_dependency(

        pipeline_params = {}
        if self.torch_dtype is not None:
            pipeline_params["torch_dtype"] = self.torch_dtype

        if self.drop_t5_encoder:
            pipeline_params["text_encoder_3"] = None
            pipeline_params["tokenizer_3"] = None

        # A model can be provided either as a path to a local file
        # or as a HuggingFace model repo name.
        if os.path.isfile(model):
            # If the model provided is a local file (not a directory),
            # we load it using the from_single_file method.
            pipeline = sd3_img2img_pipeline.from_single_file(model, **pipeline_params)
            # If the model is a local directory or hosted on HuggingFace,
            # we load it using the from_pretrained method.
            pipeline = sd3_img2img_pipeline.from_pretrained(model, **pipeline_params)

        if self.enable_model_cpu_offload:

        # Move inference to particular device if requested.
        if device is not None:

        return pipeline

    def make_image_param(self, image: Optional[Image]) -> Optional[dict[str, Image]]:
        if image is None:
            raise ValueError("Input image is required for image to image pipelines.")

        return {"image": image}

    def make_additional_params(self, negative_prompts: Optional[list[str]], device: Optional[str]) -> dict[str, Any]:
        additional_params = super().make_additional_params(negative_prompts, device)

        # Explicit height and width params are not supported, but
        # are instead inferred from input image.
        del additional_params["height"]
        del additional_params["width"]

        if self.strength is not None:
            additional_params["strength"] = self.strength

        return additional_params

strength: Optional[float] = field(default=None, kw_only=True, metadata={'serializable': True}) class-attribute instance-attribute

make_additional_params(negative_prompts, device)

Source code in griptape/drivers/image_generation_pipeline/
def make_additional_params(self, negative_prompts: Optional[list[str]], device: Optional[str]) -> dict[str, Any]:
    additional_params = super().make_additional_params(negative_prompts, device)

    # Explicit height and width params are not supported, but
    # are instead inferred from input image.
    del additional_params["height"]
    del additional_params["width"]

    if self.strength is not None:
        additional_params["strength"] = self.strength

    return additional_params


Source code in griptape/drivers/image_generation_pipeline/
def make_image_param(self, image: Optional[Image]) -> Optional[dict[str, Image]]:
    if image is None:
        raise ValueError("Input image is required for image to image pipelines.")

    return {"image": image}

prepare_pipeline(model, device)

Source code in griptape/drivers/image_generation_pipeline/
def prepare_pipeline(self, model: str, device: Optional[str]) -> Any:
    sd3_img2img_pipeline = import_optional_dependency(

    pipeline_params = {}
    if self.torch_dtype is not None:
        pipeline_params["torch_dtype"] = self.torch_dtype

    if self.drop_t5_encoder:
        pipeline_params["text_encoder_3"] = None
        pipeline_params["tokenizer_3"] = None

    # A model can be provided either as a path to a local file
    # or as a HuggingFace model repo name.
    if os.path.isfile(model):
        # If the model provided is a local file (not a directory),
        # we load it using the from_single_file method.
        pipeline = sd3_img2img_pipeline.from_single_file(model, **pipeline_params)
        # If the model is a local directory or hosted on HuggingFace,
        # we load it using the from_pretrained method.
        pipeline = sd3_img2img_pipeline.from_pretrained(model, **pipeline_params)

    if self.enable_model_cpu_offload:

    # Move inference to particular device if requested.
    if device is not None:

    return pipeline