class AmazonS3FileManagerDriver(BaseFileManagerDriver):
"""AmazonS3FileManagerDriver can be used to list, load, and save files in an Amazon S3 bucket.
session: The boto3 session to use for S3 operations.
bucket: The name of the S3 bucket.
workdir: The absolute working directory (must start with "/"). List, load, and save
operations will be performed relative to this directory.
client: The S3 client to use for S3 operations.
session: boto3.Session = field(default=Factory(lambda: import_optional_dependency("boto3").Session()), kw_only=True)
bucket: str = field(kw_only=True)
_workdir: str = field(default="/", kw_only=True, alias="workdir")
_client: S3Client = field(default=None, kw_only=True, alias="client", metadata={"serializable": False})
def workdir(self) -> str:
if self._workdir.startswith("/"):
return self._workdir
return f"/{self._workdir}"
def workdir(self, value: str) -> None:
self._workdir = value
def client(self) -> S3Client:
return self.session.client("s3")
def try_list_files(self, path: str) -> list[str]:
full_key = self._to_dir_full_key(path)
files_and_dirs = self._list_files_and_dirs(full_key)
if len(files_and_dirs) == 0:
if len(self._list_files_and_dirs(full_key.rstrip("/"), max_items=1)) > 0:
raise NotADirectoryError
raise FileNotFoundError
return files_and_dirs
def try_load_file(self, path: str) -> bytes:
botocore = import_optional_dependency("botocore")
full_key = self._to_full_key(path)
if self._is_a_directory(full_key):
raise IsADirectoryError
response = self.client.get_object(Bucket=self.bucket, Key=full_key)
return response["Body"].read()
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
if e.response["Error"]["Code"] in {"NoSuchKey", "404"}:
raise FileNotFoundError from e
raise e
def try_save_file(self, path: str, value: bytes) -> str:
full_key = self._to_full_key(path)
if self._is_a_directory(full_key):
raise IsADirectoryError
self.client.put_object(Bucket=self.bucket, Key=full_key, Body=value)
return f"s3://{self.bucket}/{full_key}"
def _to_full_key(self, path: str) -> str:
path = path.lstrip("/")
full_key = f"{self.workdir}/{path}"
# Need to keep the trailing slash if it was there,
# because it means the path is a directory.
ended_with_slash = path.endswith("/")
full_key = self._normpath(full_key)
if ended_with_slash:
full_key += "/"
return full_key.lstrip("/")
def _to_dir_full_key(self, path: str) -> str:
full_key = self._to_full_key(path)
# S3 "directories" always end with a slash, except for the root.
if full_key != "" and not full_key.endswith("/"):
full_key += "/"
return full_key
def _list_files_and_dirs(self, full_key: str, **kwargs) -> list[str]:
max_items = kwargs.get("max_items")
pagination_config = {}
if max_items is not None:
pagination_config["MaxItems"] = max_items
paginator = self.client.get_paginator("list_objects_v2")
pages = paginator.paginate(
files_and_dirs = []
for page in pages:
for obj in page.get("CommonPrefixes", []):
prefix = obj.get("Prefix")
directory = prefix[len(full_key) :].rstrip("/")
for obj in page.get("Contents", []):
key = obj.get("Key")
file = key[len(full_key) :]
return files_and_dirs
def _is_a_directory(self, full_key: str) -> bool:
botocore = import_optional_dependency("botocore")
if full_key == "" or full_key.endswith("/"):
return True
self.client.head_object(Bucket=self.bucket, Key=full_key)
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
if e.response["Error"]["Code"] in {"NoSuchKey", "404"}:
return len(self._list_files_and_dirs(full_key, max_items=1)) > 0
raise e
return False
def _normpath(self, path: str) -> str:
unix_path = path.replace("\\", "/")
parts = unix_path.split("/")
stack = []
for part in parts:
if part == "" or part == ".":
if part == "..":
if stack:
return "/".join(stack)